In the 2005 film, Star Wars: Revenge of Sith, directed by George Lucas, Anakin and Obi Wan Kenobi fight against each other after Anakin joins the dark side. They are fighting on a lava planet called Mustafar, in which, they jump from floating platforms on top of the lava in attempts to kill one another. In this scene Anakin and Obi Wan are on one of the floating platforms fighting with there light sabers connecting. This scene is one of the most important in the whole film and this specific shot helps to highlight that. I think the centering of the lightsabers with Anakin on one side and Obi Wan on the other side help make the shot look complete. In addition, the colliding of the light sabers synchronized with the explosion of the lava illustrates how intense the scene is. I think that this shot is almost perfect, but if I had to change something, I would lighten up the image to show Anakin wearing his dark colored robe almost representing the dark side and Obi Wan wearing his light co...