Rear Window is 1954 thriller, mystery film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, which focuses on the protagonist, L.B. Jefferies, who spends is time looking out his window at his neighbors. Jefferies is stuck in his apartment due to an injury taking place while taking photos. With the help of his love interest, Lisa Fremont, and his nurse, Stella, Jefferies solves the murder of his neighbor's wife.
This movie uses a unique camera perception of only seeing the story through the eyes of Jefferies or though his apartment, which provides a suspenseful viewing experience. I think that without this point of view, the movie would lack interesting storytelling. My favorite scene is this film is when Lisa breaks into Lars apartment to try and find evidence of the murder. I thought that this scene showed the growth in the relationship between Jefferies and Lisa because Lisa wanted to impress Jefferies by going out her way to help him. Furthermore, when Lisa was caught by Lars, Jefferies seemed very concerned showing that he really does love her. Overall, I think the film was fairly interesting and entertaining, keeping me on my toes wondering what is going to happen next.
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