Get Out is a 2017 horror film directed by Jordan Peele, which follows the protagonist, Chris Washington, who visits his white girlfriend's family estate only to uncover a disturbing truth. While Chris is his girlfriend's parents house he is hypnotized by the mother. Soon this lead to the discovery that his girlfriend is dating black men and using them to brainwash and put their consciousness in other people.
This film utilized a lot of Hitchcock's techniques as Peele has been a huge fan of his work. Similar to Hitchcock, the film is very suspenseful leaving the audience wondering what is going to happen next. I thought this film was very enjoyable and kept me constantly engage and curious, so I would definitely watch it again. My favorite scene is when Chris decides to go check his phone and as he walks up the stairs everyone else stops what they are doing to stare towards him. This scene is very creepy and made me realize that something was seriously off with everyone at the house. Considering Peele is famous for his comedy skits with Keegan Michael Key, it was interesting watching him take on a complete different genre. Overall, I really enjoyed the film and thought Peele did a great job within the horror film. I love horror movies, so I wasn't too surprised that I would like it, however, it was unique to any other horror movie I have watched before.
I also mentioned in my post that themes of Hitchcock were used in this film too. I'll have to say, I wasn't expecting this high level of film creation from a Comedy guy I grew up watching. Although I do think his comedic parts in the film were amazing. Do you think the movie would've been better if it had more jumpscares? I wasn't necessarily frightened either by this film.
ReplyDeleteOh Peele LOVES Hitchcock & REAR WINDOW! :)